My 3D-Printed CSM

A few years ago I posted a couple of YouTube videos of my new Erlbacher circular sock machine (CSM). I just got it and I was sooo excited. I posted the videos both in English and Spanish. However, I started getting a lot of comments from Latin American viewers asking me where they could buyContinue reading “My 3D-Printed CSM”

Brother Ribber KR-830

One of the most important types of knitting is ribbing. Ribbing is used to create elastics for knitted garments. As a hand knitter, I never had the need to learn how to rib on a knitting machine, although I own several knitting machines, I used to knit cuffs, collars and waistbands by hand and thenContinue reading “Brother Ribber KR-830”

Como usar la cama auxiliar Brother KR-830 para tejido elástico

Uno de los tipos de tejidos más útiles es el tejido elástico. Desafortunademante, este tipo de tejido es fácil de hacer cuando se teje a dos agujas pero no cuando se teje en máquina tejedora o tricotosa. La única forma de crear este tejido en máquina tejedora es comprando un accesorio adicional. Este accesorio seContinue reading “Como usar la cama auxiliar Brother KR-830 para tejido elástico”


Since I started posting videos in YouTube, I have received several comments requesting me to publish the names of the companies where I buy my home knitters.
Desde que empecé a publicar videos en YouTube, he recibido muchos comentarios pidiéndome que publique los nombres de las compañías en dónde compro mis máquinas tejedoras.

Machine Knitted Top

Machine Knitted Veronika Top I finally could figure out how to use my electronic Brother knitting machine. Since I forget everything and I don’t feel like reading the manual every time I use this machine, I recorded a video of how to use the pattern feature and posted it on YouTube. Then, I had toContinue reading “Machine Knitted Top”

Knitting or Crocheting?

Don’t let anyone deter you from continuing with your craft! Dear Blog, These past two weeks have been hectic. I am back to work and my stress levels are, again, through the roof. I haven’t had much time to knit, but I have been doing some reading. That being said, I stumbled upon a book aboutContinue reading “Knitting or Crocheting?”

Knitting Machine Dishcloth

Dear Blog, Yes, I know. I skipped one day again! Oh well, no worries because today I want to actually document the steps to make a dishcloth on a hobby knitting machine. I go through dishcloths so fast is not even funny, hence I decided to put my addiction to work for me. This is myContinue reading “Knitting Machine Dishcloth”

Yarn Addiction

Dear Blog, I’ve gone and done it this time! I went on a yarn shopping spree. When I was visiting one of my favorite thrift stores in the next town over (did I mention that I love antiques?) I found a guy whose job is to deliver cones of yarns to local yarn stores inContinue reading “Yarn Addiction”

Crocheting With Chloe

Dear Blog,One of my resolutions for this year was to create a blog to talk about yarn crafts. It took me almost three months to find the courage to do it. I promised myself that if I started writing a blog, I would write every day. I thought I could keep it up if IContinue reading “Crocheting With Chloe”

My Journey to Machine Knitting

I learned to knit when I was 12 years old and to crochet when I was 8 years old. I come from a very crafty family. My grandfather was a tailor and my grandmother a shopkeeper. However, every little free time she had, she spent crocheting. She worked a lot, but I always remember herContinue reading “My Journey to Machine Knitting”