My 3D-Printed CSM

A few years ago I posted a couple of YouTube videos of my new Erlbacher circular sock machine (CSM). I just got it and I was sooo excited. I posted the videos both in English and Spanish. However, I started getting a lot of comments from Latin American viewers asking me where they could buyContinue reading “My 3D-Printed CSM”

Brother Ribber KR-830

One of the most important types of knitting is ribbing. Ribbing is used to create elastics for knitted garments. As a hand knitter, I never had the need to learn how to rib on a knitting machine, although I own several knitting machines, I used to knit cuffs, collars and waistbands by hand and thenContinue reading “Brother Ribber KR-830”

Como usar la cama auxiliar Brother KR-830 para tejido elástico

Uno de los tipos de tejidos más útiles es el tejido elástico. Desafortunademante, este tipo de tejido es fácil de hacer cuando se teje a dos agujas pero no cuando se teje en máquina tejedora o tricotosa. La única forma de crear este tejido en máquina tejedora es comprando un accesorio adicional. Este accesorio seContinue reading “Como usar la cama auxiliar Brother KR-830 para tejido elástico”


Since I started posting videos in YouTube, I have received several comments requesting me to publish the names of the companies where I buy my home knitters.
Desde que empecé a publicar videos en YouTube, he recibido muchos comentarios pidiéndome que publique los nombres de las compañías en dónde compro mis máquinas tejedoras.